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Event Mendatang.

All manuscripts submitted to this journal must adhere to the journal’s focus and scope, as well as the author guidelines. Manuscripts must discuss scientific benefits or novelty that are relevant to the focus and scope of the journal. The Editor in Chief reserves the right to reject articles that do not fit the theme or meet the Author Guidelines requirements. All manuscripts must be free of plagiarism. To check for similarities, all authors are advised to use plagiarism detection software. iThenticate software is used by editors to detect plagiarism in articles published in this journal. Double blind peer review is used for research articles submitted to the journal. The thoroughness and integrity of each major paper’s anonymous peer evaluation by three independent referees ensure the quality of Peer Review Statements.
The reviewers provided insightful scientific comments that improved the manuscript’s content. The Editor will make the final decision on article acceptance on behalf of the Editorial Board based on the comments of the reviewers.
The Editor in Chief will publish the accepted articles, including the order in which they were published, taking into account the order of the accepted dates as well as the geographical distribution of the authors and their thematic issues.
Review of Results: The Editor will make the final publication decision based on the feedback from the peer review process. The review process will take between 3 and 12 weeks. Among the decisions in this category are:
Rejected: Rejected submissions will not be published, and the author will not be able to send back the revised version of the manuscript.
Resubmit Review: Submissions must be reworked, but significant changes are acceptable. This, however, will necessitate a second round of review.
Accept with Revised: Manuscripts that accept an accept-pending-revision decision will be published at Four Son Scholarship if minor / major changes are made. The editor will review revisions to ensure that any necessary updates are made before publication.
Accept: Manuscripts received will be published in their current form, with no further changes. Following review, all pertinent information is forwarded to the author. The author completes the article and sends the final version to the Editor within a week or two. If the article is not returned within this time frame (or the editorial board is not informed of any delays), it is rejected.